About dianeatwood

Hello! I'm Diane Atwood. For many years, I was the health reporter on WCSH6. Now I write the Catching Health blog and produce and host the Catching Health podcast. I love what I do and hope you will too.

Help. My back hurts

Two days of nagging back pain can take its toll. It makes me want to lie around and do nothing! I know that just the opposite is probably what's going to make it feel better. Here are two movements that might help do the trick.

By |2020-01-04T09:35:52-05:00November 23rd, 2018|Stories and News|0 Comments

What you may not know about sleep apnea

The stereotype of someone with sleep apnea is a middle-aged obese man. Those two factors certainly increase the risk, but sleep apnea can occur in anyone, at any age. The American Sleep Apnea Association recently conducted a survey that helps increase our understanding of the many challenges associated with sleep apnea, which is far more common than you may realize.

By |2019-06-25T15:51:35-04:00October 3rd, 2018|Stories and News|0 Comments

Living with grief: Disenfranchised grief

The definition of grief is deep sorrow, but not all people feel it when a significant person in their life dies. They may feel relief, sadness about what never was, shame, anger, guilt, or nothing at all. In part four of Living with Grief, we talk about such feelings and what is called disenfranchised grief.

By |2019-06-25T15:51:36-04:00September 20th, 2018|Stories and News|3 Comments
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