16 things to know if you love someone with autism
Once a rare disorder, the most recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report indicates that one in every 68 children in the United States is diagnosed with ASD.
Once a rare disorder, the most recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report indicates that one in every 68 children in the United States is diagnosed with ASD.
Talking about dying isn't easy, but it could be one of the most important conversations you'll ever have. Catching Health shared some tips on the Morning Report.
How many of you have eaten a rutabaga? Do you know what it is? How to cook one? How about roasted rutabagas? I've got a good recipe for you.
Thanks to car seats, fewer children are dying in vehicle-related crashes. But even if your children are properly restrained they may not be safe. Read these tips.
The other day a friend asked me about gout. She wanted to know if it was really the disease of kings. Catching Health with Diane Atwood has the answer.
This April marks the 13th annual National Donate Life Month, a time to commemorate those who have given the gift of life through organ and tissue donation.
In our busy world, you have to make time for the things that are important to you, including yourself. Some tips on how to do that.
Do you love someone with dementia? It can be challenging sometimes. I shared some helpful tips from my own personal experiences on the Morning Report.
Do you like to exercise hard? Do you need to take ibuprofen before you work out? Here are some reasons why you shouldn't.
You may have seen conflicting news about soy and breast cancer. It either increases the risk of breast cancer or protects against it. Which is correct?
It's one thing to know how you would want to be treated at the end of your life. It's another to let your family and/or loved ones in on the details.
Finding a cure for cancer is a challenge because not all cancers are the same. What drives one cancer to grow and spread does not necessarily drive
Our bone constantly breaks down or dissolves and new bone forms in its place. As we age, keeping them healthy requires a balance that is difficult to achieve.
Today's health care environment is complicated and often difficult to navigate. If you want some extra support, you might consider having a healthcare advocate.
Imagine a roomful of people flinging food at each other. It's a food fight! There wasn't too much, if any, flinging at the food fight I was in.
Naturopaths want to raise awareness about their profession. They're targeting teens because unhealthy habits often lead to preventable diseases later in life.
Sunscreen not only needs to have an SPF of 15 or higher, it should also be broad-spectrum. But sunscreen isn't the only way to prevent skin cancer.
Two separate stories that are connected in a larger sense. They’re both about making the world a little better for children who are not well.
No matter how they are presented to me, I like the taste of almonds and that they're good for me. Here's a recipe to try — for almond biscotti.
Studies have found that music can strengthen the heart and improve the recovery of patients suffering from heart disease.
If you're looking for something that doesn't take long to make and is good for you, try this recipe for chicken with white beans.
What does a seven-year-old do when her entire first-grade class is going on an exciting field trip to the Portland Science Center and she has to stay home?
We all have special clotting factors in our blood. When we get injured, the factors help stem any bleeding. Sometimes, a factor is missing or not working right.
Want to improve your health? Eat kale. I tried it once and didn't like it. Turns out it wasn't cooked properly. We've got the skinny on how to do it right.
Today, we're cooking up some sweet potatoes. So good tasting. And as a source of nutrition, they pack a wallop.
Times and health recommendations change but questions from new parents about what, when and how to feed their infants are timeless. Catching Health has answers.
A history of nosebleeds and heavy periods could be a sign of a common bleeding disorder called von Willebrand disease.
Sharon Rose Vaznis and I talk about a rare genetic disorder found in girls called Turner syndrome.
Every week, Catching Health offers up a new healthy food and a recipe. How about spinach feta frittata? Learn how to make it and why spinach is good for you.
I've learned a lot about loving someone with dementia. A big one is that you need to let go — of a lot of things — and try your best to enter their world. Here are a few tips that have helped me with my mother.
Thanks to over-the-counter home testing, a woman can find out if she's pregnant even before she's missed her first period.