About dianeatwood

Hello! I'm Diane Atwood. For many years, I was the health reporter on WCSH6. Now I write the Catching Health blog and produce and host the Catching Health podcast. I love what I do and hope you will too.

Nurses needed: Showing our gratitude

In celebration of National Nurses Week and of the dedication that most nurses show each and every day, we're sharing some love. Read stories of nurses who made a difference in someone's life – in part six of Nurses Needed, a Catching Health special report. Has a nurse made a difference in YOUR life?

By |2019-06-25T15:51:40-04:00May 11th, 2018|Stories and News|0 Comments

Nurses needed: Public health nursing in Maine

Public health nurses have been traveling the state of Maine since 1920, trying to keep people healthy and prevent diseases. They still do, but in far fewer numbers and under challenging circumstances. We look at the current state of Maine's Public Health Nursing Program in part 6 of Nurses Needed, a Catching Health Special Report.

By |2019-06-25T15:51:40-04:00May 9th, 2018|Stories and News|5 Comments

Nurses needed: In the community

Nursing care is moving from inside the hospital to outside in the community. What kind of work are nurses doing if they're not at the bedside? How are they being trained? You'll find some answers in Nurses Needed: In the community, part 4 of a Catching Health special report on nursing in Maine.

By |2020-01-04T09:27:36-05:00May 7th, 2018|Stories and News|0 Comments

Nurses needed: Are you man enough?

Historically, men played a major role in caring for the sick. Their numbers dwindled in the late 19th century as people began to see nursing as "women's work." Today, we're seeing a slow, but steady increase in the numbers of men who become nurses. We hear from several Maine nurses about their chosen profession. Nurses who happen to be men, in part 3 of Nurses Needed, a Catching Health special report.

By |2019-06-25T15:51:40-04:00May 4th, 2018|Stories and News|0 Comments

Nurses needed: Why there is a critical shortage in Maine

Why does someone choose to become a nurse? The most common answer is to provide care to another human being. Compassionate care. In this seven-part series on nursing in Maine, we explore the challenges and rewards of being a nurse. At the moment, the nation and especially Maine faces a critical shortage of nurses. We look at why in part one of Nurses Needed, a Catching Health special report.

By |2019-06-25T15:51:40-04:00April 30th, 2018|Stories and News|9 Comments
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