Dr. Robert Emmons has made a career of studying the psychology of gratitude. He is one of the world’s leading scientific experts on the subject. He researches it, teaches it, writes about it and tries to practice what he preaches. He’ll be the first to say it’s not easy, but he’s learned a lot about how to get started and how to maintain a life of gratitude.

NB: This episode was first published in February 2018, but I believe the topic is especially relevant at this time.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Why and how did you become a gratitude researcher?
  • How is it possible to research gratitude?
  • His definition of gratitude.
  • Was he always a grateful person or did he become one as a result of his research?
  • How can a person be grateful if he/she feels anything but?
  • What has your research shown about the benefits of practicing gratitude?
  • If we’d like to try being more grateful, what are some steps we can take to get started?
  • What is the number one thing we should try to do?

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Books by Dr. Emmons

  • How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier
  • Gratitude Works
  • The Little Book of Gratitude
  • Words of Gratitude: Mind, Body & Soul

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