Karyn Wing grew up in a home where physical, sexual, and verbal were the norm. She also grew up believing that it was all her fault. That if she were a good girl none of it would have happened. Forgiveness was the farthest thing for her mind for many years. In fact, as an adult, she blocked out much of her childhood, but the scars were there, deeply embedded, along with the feeling that she was never good enough. It took several decades and a lot of hard work for Karyn to learn the difference between abusive and healthy relationships. She also learned that before anything else, she had to learn to love herself. Most days she does. Karyn shares some of her story in the hopes that it will help someone else who feels like she used to feel.
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Mental health and/or abuse resources
- National Alliance on Mental Illness/Maine (NAMI Maine)
- Support Groups/NAMI Maine
- Abused Women’s Advocacy Project
- Toll Free: 1-800-559-2927 or 207-795-6744
- Battered Women’s Project
- 800-439-2323 or 207-769-8251
- 24-hour toll-free domestic violence response phone line. Access to emergency shelter, support groups, information, and education for victims of domestic violence.
- Maine Statewide Crisis Line
- Call or text 1 (888) 568-1112
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
- Article about the closing of the Waterville Peer Recovery Center
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