Just before COVID hit, physical therapist Phil Finemore says his boss planned to open an additional physical therapy site that Phil would run. But almost overnight, Phil was out of a job. Furloughed because clients were canceling their sessions.
As people began working from home instead of at the office, Phil thought about the effect it would have on their backs, shoulders, and necks. He decided to develop a workplace injury prevention consulting practice. But even with the threat of COVID, he soon discovered that people still wanted and needed physical therapy sessions. What they didn’t want is to go to a space with other people. So, the model that Phil had been considering quickly evolved into a mobile physical therapy practice in Southern Maine that he calls WorkFitME. He goes wherever his clients are — in their homes, at their workplaces, or in the gym.
In this episode of Catching Your Memories, Phil talks about why he became a physical therapist in the first place, how he maneuvered things when he was furloughed, how things are going now, and what might be next on his agenda.
Listen now to the podcast episode with Phil Finemore
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