Recent Stories
What does it mean when you have a-fib?
A-fib is becoming more and more common. What is it and should you be concerned if you have it? When a friend of mine was recently diagnosed, I decided to learn more.
Living and dancing during a dangerous COVID surge
Concerns about COVID's Delta variant and a plea from Maine's hospital chiefs
Can you get a good workout with gentle yoga?
If you'd love to do yoga, but feel limited because of your age or an injury, let me introduce you to gentle yoga.
The latest on COVID testing and treatment
In light of a significant increase in cases, Dr. Dora Anne Mills answers questions about COVID-19 testing and treatment.
How to prevent and treat annoying dry eyes
If you are one of about 50 million Americans dealing with dry eyes, I've got some useful information for you. Such as, why you might need to start doing some conscious blinking.
Hard, but important lessons about the Delta variant
What an outbreak in Cape Cod's Provincetown is teaching us about COVID's Delta variant. An update from Dr. Dora Anne Mills