Recent Stories
An inspiring conversation about aging with Liz Johnson
Elizabeth Johnson is not only curious about things — lots of things — she actually pursues most of them. She's an interesting, energetic, inspiring woman. Find out for yourself in this episode of the Catching Health podcast.
Have a happy new year and other resolutions
When the new year rolls around, so do thoughts of making resolutions. Need some inspiration? I came up with a whopping 175 suggestions!
COVID-19 and the lights of faith and hope
During these dark days of COVID-19, Dr. Dora Anne Mills reflects on other dark times in the history of our world and offers us some hope.
How to add a few laughs to your daily routine
I try to find things to laugh about, but it's not always easy these days. Laughing is supposed to be good for us but how can you laugh if so little seems funny? What if you just decided to laugh for no apparent reason. That's what Laughter Yoga is all about. I tried it recently and enjoyed myself. No joke.
30 years after lifesaving heart surgery, Mindy Beyer celebrates with a day of gratitude
She may not live past the age of three, said her doctors. Not only did she prove them wrong, but Mindy Beyer also says she has been given more than she ever expected. Definitely worth celebrating!
Living with a blood disorder called polycythemia vera
Rebecca Reilly was recently diagnosed with the rare blood disorder polycythemia vera. She is sharing her story to inspire others to pay attention to their body and the clues it gives.